Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Rhampholeon kerstenii?
hamato_yoshii;656435;656435 said:
An occelated or Barrel Skink
You have to look at the last picture posted in the thread.
guppy;663606; said:
Rhampholeon kerstenii?

stonecat... it could be but scientific name wins it ya, i dont know any of the common names it might be associated to it. They are at least similar looking to the ones i got on google image.

Looks to small to be a "bradypodion tavetanum" but thats my best guess
Well, I can't seem to get into that section of the EMBL Reptile Database but the only species that I cannot seem to find pics of are the marshalli, gorongosae, chapanorum, moyeri, spinosus, and mandera, so I would guess it is one of those.
Well guppy can have it then, as he mentioned it. It was one of Chris Anderson's Rhampholeon spinosum but i think he sold it. His pic anyway... New reptile then...