Hmmmmmm.....: Northern Red Faced Turtle: a.k.a. Emydura Victoriae. Also note worthy here is that this turtle is suffering from Macrocephaly: macrocephaly is a rare condition in which the head is abnormally large.Not to be confused with Microcephaly: microcephaly which is a rare condition in which the head is abnormally small
Wow you are getting good at this Yes it is Emydura victoriae. And it also suffers from macrocephaly but this is normal in many fresh water turtle species especialy on older females. Males of many species tend to have smaller heads. It is teorized that this allow the diferent turtle sexes of the same species to explore diferent niches in the food chain to avoid competicion. One extreme example are map turtles specialy of the G. barbori complex. Males eat small crustaceans ,insects and small gastropods wille the females can eat crayfish and freshwater clams. A bit of topic but I think is very interesting and gives the animal a very neat apearence. Your turn Tequila boy lets see what you got for us