G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Oct 25, 2005 #331 Well hell, this is a US native,
W wayne the pain Fire Eel MFK Member Apr 3, 2005 1,914 3 68 Manchester, UK Oct 26, 2005 #332 Tantilla relicta?
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Oct 26, 2005 #333 Nope, this one is about the same average size but maxes out a couple inchs longer, it does not have the dark head of crowned snakes and has a pink belly.
Nope, this one is about the same average size but maxes out a couple inchs longer, it does not have the dark head of crowned snakes and has a pink belly.
W wayne the pain Fire Eel MFK Member Apr 3, 2005 1,914 3 68 Manchester, UK Oct 26, 2005 #334 Rhadinaea flavilata
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Oct 26, 2005 #335 Nope, heheh, I did not realize how many little smooth snakes there were in the US, this one is a burrower that feeds almost exclusively on earthworms.
Nope, heheh, I did not realize how many little smooth snakes there were in the US, this one is a burrower that feeds almost exclusively on earthworms.
W wayne the pain Fire Eel MFK Member Apr 3, 2005 1,914 3 68 Manchester, UK Oct 26, 2005 #336 Carphophis amoenus
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Oct 26, 2005 #337 Bingo! That is the one, called the worm snake.
J Josh Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 31, 2005 110 0 0 43 Columbia SC/Watertown MA www.tehnitecrew.com Oct 27, 2005 #338 Fine, guess this one: Photographed by me in its' native habitat.
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Oct 29, 2005 #339 Josh, it is a Calumma parsonii, You are supposed to guess one first please. Let's give Wayne the Pain a chance to post. So any other shots of Madagascar? that is one place I want to go and haven't yet.
Josh, it is a Calumma parsonii, You are supposed to guess one first please. Let's give Wayne the Pain a chance to post. So any other shots of Madagascar? that is one place I want to go and haven't yet.
W wayne the pain Fire Eel MFK Member Apr 3, 2005 1,914 3 68 Manchester, UK Oct 29, 2005 #340 Thanks for that Guppy, here ya go. and Josh might know this one too