Guess what kind of Reptile

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hiya Lewis, welcome to MFK, I think you did not go all the way through the thread becase the Jackson's chameleon and sand fish were ages ago, for these games go to the last post then work backwards until you find a picture.
Hey fishofdoom, got a better picture, all I can tell from that one is that it is a day gecko of some kind.
woops cancle that it had the name and every thing hold on now its fixed

xWhiteyx said:
sandfish or maybe blue tongue, can't see it's face
xWhiteyx, welcome to MFK, but I got to ask, are we looking at the same lizard? you should be checking out post numbers 441 and 445. It is definitely a day gecko of some kind.
How about Phelsuma mutabilis?
Some Kinda of gecko?