Gulper catfish trio, ~7"

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I’ve had my gulper for five days now. He looks healthy, 5-6 inches. He’s in a 40b by himself. He’s still hasn’t eaten. He showed some interest in thawed tilapia but that’s it. Should I just wait it out and let him build up an appetite? Or is there something else I’m not considering?

JJ covered it pretty agreeably above. If all the t's are crossed and i's dotted, it's only a matter of time until it relaxes enough, gets hungry enough and caves to your feed offerings. For healthy and sizeable fish, I usually advise everyone to offer only what they want to feed their fish from the moment the fish arrives and on. 1-2 weeks of adaption time to new tank is common. For more wayward, stronger-willed fish, even a month of learning to recognize new feed types is also common.

Breeding behavior?
Seems to be one plausible guess. But the peer's gulpers I mentioned with no fins are unlikely to be sexually mature. They got them little like 3" and under a year ago.
Caught one of our gulpers biting (playfully? no damage) fins of another gulper. I have never seen it before with our gulpers.

One peer reported to us in a personal conversation that his two young and small (4") gulpers used to live well together but then started biting biting each other's fins to the point where they have almost no fins now.

Has anyone seen it, can shed light on it??

My gulper has been having some strange behavior as well, I finally managed to catch it on camera. Does anyone know what he’s doing? I assume that he's just playing but I'd like to here your thoughts.
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Playing? I'd bet folding money that he is not playing.

I love catfish, one of my favourite groups of fish, but they are as dumb as rocks with very little in the way of individuality or unique personalities. I don't really believe that any fish have the intellectual horsepower required to engage in something as complex and advanced as "play"...and certainly not catfish.
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S Shlurpy Isn't that white object on the bottom a shrimp or piece of feed? If so, the gulper seems to smell it but misjudge badly where it is, so makes a lunge at it and hits the bottom. That's what it looks like to me. Interesting. Thank you for sharing.
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S Shlurpy Isn't that white object on the bottom a shrimp or piece of feed? If so, the gulper seems to smell it but misjudge badly where it is, so makes a lunge at it and hits the bottom. That's what it looks like to me. Interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Yeah the white is a piece of tilapia I had just put in. But he does things like this even when there's not food in the tank.
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This would be stranger by a lot but nothing occurs to me other than a predatory lunge at something on the clean and clear bottom, perhaps some weird reflection or something like that sets off the gulper. There are some weird reflected lines visible in the video on the bottom.
Does anyone’s gulper have trouble seeing. Mine responds to light but he frequently bumps into the sides of his tank and has serious trouble finding food. Whenever he gets spooked it takes him several minutes to find his way back to his hide. This is the only gulper I’ve kept and I don’t know if gulpers generally have bad vision or if mine is just impaired.
If this is a long term behavior, I'd say from our experience that this is not normal. Perhaps there may be simple causes, e.g. too bright lighting. Also, our gulpers have periods of feeding a lot less than during other times, during which one may think their gulper has trouble finding feed until after lights out. It is usually is quite easy to hand feed your gulper and then one knows instantly whether they are hungry or not.

We haven't noticed our gulpers to get spooked. They appear to be pretty indifferent, oblivious to what's happening around them.

If yours spooks, one thought might be that the fish is stressed, uncomfortable and the reason should be sought and corrected. Gulpers are a specialty fish, harder than usual to keep successfully because they come from particular waters and need appropriate pH and hardness.

As noted in the last video, our gulpers all have a bit cloudy eyes and a small white speck in the middle, which may be the norm or maybe their reaction to our water, I don't know yet.