Gulper eats 8" Leichartdi Arowana

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I stopped keeping predatory cats after my old Marble cat ate 7 bala sharks an a bushynose pleco.
must of been pretty hungry these cats can wolf down huge things
HOLY COW@!!!!!!! WOWZERS, can't believe a 3 inch gulper could even do that. I thought gulpers were slow and all? Aros are fast...........I wonder why your gulper doesn't eat its other buddies in the tank?
Wel, it is called a gulper after all....I did not realize they lived up to the name so well!
Amazing that a fish that small could swallow a fish so much bigger than it is. Sorry you lost the arowana.
mkman;1608552; said:
HOLY COW@!!!!!!! WOWZERS, can't believe a 3 inch gulper could even do that. I thought gulpers were slow and all? Aros are fast...........I wonder why your gulper doesn't eat its other buddies in the tank?

That's part of the reason they are so leathal...they acually use a fish flee defense against them. The prey ends up fleeing INTO the stomach of those huge open jaws.

GarGuy;1608835; said:
Amazing that a fish that small could swallow a fish so much bigger than it is. Sorry you lost the arowana.

There is no denying they are an amazing predator. My guys will take 2-3 jumbo shrimp with no problem at all...and I'm talking real JUMBO shrimp...amazing. :eek:
simply ridiculous. I would have never thought that possible. Sorry for the loss and I hope he doesnt just end up regurgitating the aro up. I dont know how well gulpers do with that big of a load but I guess staying on watch to clean up isnt the worst idea.
Yeah it's been 11 hours now and still no regurgitation. Hope it stays that way I don't need that fouling up my water. Plus it would just add insult to injury. By the way the Gulper's been named Lucifer(Lucy for short) since this incident. Seein as I believe he's got the devil in him. Of all the prey items in there he chose the most expensive to be his lunch. As I said before all my other fish which are like 6" and under and they've been safe. Not that it matters the Gulper's Lucy and Bubbleguts are gettin their own tank now.