So the Neons are in my GFs 100g nano tank and she hasnt decided yet on the additional stocking besides a group of emerald rasboras.WOW! 60 neon tetras! that a lot of tetras! I'm glad that you are finally getting to restock your tanks. what else are you planning on putting in there?
Then we have the 300 gallon which will be CA themed with 12 juvi Firemouths and 7 Oscura Heterospila. And columbian tetra's as dithers. Cichlids coming wednesday and tetras hopefully on sunday. Had actually planned to get the tetras earlier but the ones I could get were way too small and would probably end up being expensive fish food.
The other 100 gallon will be SA and stocked with 6 Pterophyllum Scalare 'Rio Nanay' and 7 Geophagus Tapajos Red Heads.
Pic of the rescaped 300g.
And the other two
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