• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Has MFK moved ip or changed operators?

I assume this thread reflects members' choices on tank setup.

Those who like black substrate, black background, black water and black beard algae will probably like the old colour scheme.

Personally I like a well lit tank with beautiful fish.

That’s not true! I prefer the old one and I only have black sand, blackish area around my tank and some black beard algae ( which I can’t get rid of) oh wait… you may be right.
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Lol, I just clicked on an email notification from MFK, on my phone this time.

I immediately got a giant M filling up the screen. Huh? Scroll down a bit...and there's a giant O.

Oh jeez...yep, Monster Fish Keepers, followed by the title of a thread...even bigger and more ungainly than on my laptop. Not even a single huge word per screen...on the phone it's one single gigantic letter per screen.

Progress is wonderful; can't wait for the next upgrade...:)
Lol, I just clicked on an email notification from MFK, on my phone this time.

I immediately got a giant M filling up the screen. Huh? Scroll down a bit...and there's a giant O.

Oh jeez...yep, Monster Fish Keepers, followed by the title of a thread...even bigger and more ungainly than on my laptop. Not even a single huge word per screen...on the phone it's one single gigantic letter per screen.

Progress is wonderful; can't wait for the next upgrade...:)
go big or go home! :thumbsup:
  • Haha
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Just checked into the "new" MFK and was a bit surprised. No sign of the Monster Fish Keepers or MFK name...no MFK logo either. Some goofy-looking thing at the top left, no idea what it represents...the website designer's logo maybe?

If you were a new first-time visitor, that homepage would give you absolutely no idea what forum you had landed on. Makes no difference to me or to any regular member, but...if the oft-voiced concerns about the impending demise of MFK and of forums in general are to be believed, I think it might be wise to, you know...put the name up there?

I'm sure we've all seen those commercials on TV; they're funny, artistic, professional-looking, cinematography and music the equal of many feature films. You remember them. But you never remember...sometimes never even know!...what the hell they are trying to sell. :) That's not good marketing.
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