Hi, I just got an Asian Arowana for the first time. I did have a lot of experience with Jardinis and Silver arows so i decided to try and get an Asian arow. However I am experiencing a lot of new behaviour and I would like to consult much experienced hobbyist for their opinion. I had my XB blue base for about 1 month now and he has been eating for good until last week. I tried opening my new tank lights and he freakout a little bit he keeps swimming up and down the walls and recently he just sat their at the bottom of my tank not swimming at all. i watched his respiration rate and it was on the normal side. I checked my paramaters and everything was in very good shape. I already figured it was probably the light fixture maybe it was too bright so I bought another light fixture the exact same one from his tank before it broke. I keep checking the water parameters and its all perfect. But now for a week already he has not eaten. He keeps swimming up and down the sides of the aquarium and most of the time he keeps still at the bottom of the aquarium. I really need help I have never experience this problem with my jardini's and silvers before thus i dont know what else i could do. I would appreciate your help guys.