...I've had some really nice lfs green sevs, some with blue around the eyes, cheeks, etc., powdery (greenish) blue on their shoulders, bright orange to red fins, red eyes.
I like them all, I've yet to have a Heros I didn't like...
All Heros except maybe liberifer and notatus will show blue in the face, especially in females. It's present in efasciatus, appendiculatus, severus, sp. Inirida, sp. rotkeil, etc. Unfortunately it's not really useful as a identification method.
Rotkeils faces have blue (or greenish blue) in them, female rotkeils have blue faces without line makrings. But some greens (and others) can also have blue in the face and/or on the body, which shows in some moods more than others--
A Jim Cummings video-- Jim's probably one of the guys people are thinking of when they mention members they miss around here who have gone on to facebook, etc.