Help Me Poly Stock

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thanks for the shotout. ETroplus canarensis and suratensis are closely related to Malagasy cichlids cichlids. Contrary to many folks, I have used used salt with both but it is not required. I only about a teaspoon of salt per 5 gallons for suratensis. Canarensis is happy either way but groups are recommended- it will eat most plants except for javamoss and anubias.

Thank you! How do they do with other tankmates, especially if they end up spawning?
They can fend for themselves but do they wreak havoc with others (say polypterus) when spawning? I know some cichlids turn into terrors then, others just chase away when approached.

What size group do you recommend?
They can fend for themselves but do they wreak havoc with others (say polypterus) when spawning? I know some cichlids turn into terrors then, others just chase away when approached.

What size group do you recommend?
It depends on aquarium volume, filtration, etc but the more you can have, the better- they behave as shoaling fish maybe because of its marine origin, it is very peculiar particularly in young fry. I would not get fewer than 6 fish if possible.