Help, my Mangrove Jack shanked my Jardini

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
jcon;4396178; said:
OK, good.

26 degrees celcius at the moment, I bumped it up to 28 last night.

Oh, btw. It was the Jardini that started it. I saw him last night pissing off the Jack, the Jack was standing over him, pushing him back with his open mouth. I think they hate each other, I may need to rehome the Jar once he heals. His teeth are growing really big lately, hopefully he doesn't do anymore damage.

Good, good luck! ;)
moshau2001;4392591; said:
I would firstly be getting the MJ into a tank by itself. They don't play well with others.

or throw it in a frying pan with some butter:D
the soft tissue should fall off by itself but there is a chance that it won't grow back perfectly.
pounder;4396398; said:
or throw it in a frying pan with some butter:D
the soft tissue should fall off by itself but there is a chance that it won't grow back perfectly.

Oh....I always assumed that butter had the same health benfits as Melafix?!?
The Jar will heal , the flap will come off, up the salt to 7ppt 28 c. TAKE THE JACK OUT.
foldem;4397253; said:
Damn bro! don't worry too much just keep the water clean and temp up and he'll be fine. I had an aro that got nearly all of it's tail bitten and fully recovered.
I also suggest you buy some melafix for good measure.
2x but melafix is optional. :)
should grow back, i had a silver that had that happen, thought about cutting it off for him but left it alone and it just grew back