I have a little problem....There are little thread like "worms" floating around in my tank...I noticed them crawling around on my oscars face...What are they, and how can I get rid of them???
Ok....its a 90gal, the "worms" are a white color...I do feed live, but we ALWAYS give the feeders a good salty bath for a good 15 min before we feed...and only once a month...The filters I have running are a HYDOR PRIME 30 canister filter, and a TETRATEC PF500 hang on the back filter and a bubble wall...I have the temp set to about 80 degrees already, I have an OSCAR, an INDO TIGER, 2 polys and a pleco in the tank. Now I looked at my OSCAR this morning, and the little worms were not on him anymore...They are also not on the TIGER or the other fish...HMMMMM....BUT they were just "floating" around in the water....
What are these little things? They are really annoying...OH....The tank has been set up for about 2 months now, but we used our other tanks water to cycle it faster...The other tanks do not have any worms in them either...
Yes, they are wiggeling around...I did raise the salt level at lunch time...I hope that kills the nasty little buggers...If not, I will have to find something I can add to the water to kill all parasites...I hate to stress the fish like that though...
you have planeria its harmless but its from a dirty tank. do a big watter change cleaning the gravel realy real good. add alittle salt if ya think it make a difrence but i dont think so. also keep doin watter changes like every other day to every day. till you see no more
Check your filter media and see if they live there. Also try to catch one in an eye dropper so you can get a good magnified look at one. If they are flat and evenly segmented with a slightly bulbuos head, you have flat worms and need a vermifuge to feed all exposed fish. If they are flat but unevenly segmented It might be one of the crustaceans and salt will usually work. If it is flat with a broad head and no segments but 2 eyespots it is planaria and are harmless but annoying, again use salt. If they are like tiny white earthworms and live in you filter media they are microworms and make great food for tiny fry and tetras, they are harmless and people even raise them. Salt works. If they are tapered towards both ends, round and smooth they are nematodes and are either gut borne or living in the fishes eye sockets or nasal passages. They will need a vermifuge that is fed to the fish. hope this helps.