
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
LOL repair...
As for the dirty tank post...Its a newley set up tank, I do religious water changes, and I clean the filters out once a month. We did feeders about 2 weeks ago, but as I stated before, they get a salt bath for at least 15 min before we feed them...So where these little buggers came from is a mystery to me...But REPAIR, I thank you for the great advice...I will add a little more salt again today...
NP ....good luck with it.

I've killed way more fish treating then with meds then seem to die if I just raise the water temp and bring the salt up.

I mainly keep cichlids and I have an optical salinity scope so I know what % of salt I have in the tanks and I have run my salt as high a 6% for as long as 3 months without hurting anything won't have any snails........but they won't spawn so I brought it back down.

The amount of salt that I recomended won't even read on the scope so if the worms wont go away and you want to hit the worms hard with salt I can tell you how many cups per gallon to bring the levels up to 5%. By the way 10% salt and the fishs scales come off and they die......had a friend screw up.
OMG! So its a 90gal tank...I have already put about 6 tablespoons in there from the last water change. We do put salt in there already, but I skimped on it on the last water change, I only put like 2 or three TBS in, I do have a INDO TIGER in there, how much salt per gallon should he have?
repair said:
I'll have to look at my notes when I get home.

Thanks repair, I will be at work till 5pm CST - I do not have a computer at am still in the dark age! lol

Jen :lol2:
I think you meant 0.05% which is about 3 1/5 teaspoons per US gallon, 3-5 days of this at 80+degrees. It is a little hard on the plants. For a preventative dip you can double it but only as a quick dip or the fish do swell up, shed scale and sometimes skin, then die. For slightly brackish maintainance use up to a half tsp per gallon or about 15 tablespoons per a 90 gallon tank. This is the mix I like for fish like violet gobies and archer fish. 10% works out to 1 lb of salt in around 1.2 gallons of water which is a level you could use to preserve meat.
guppy said:
I think you meant 0.05% which is about 3 1/5 teaspoons per US gallon, 3-5 days of this at 80+degrees. It is a little hard on the plants. For a preventative dip you can double it but only as a quick dip or the fish do swell up, shed scale and sometimes skin, then die. For slightly brackish maintainance use up to a half tsp per gallon or about 15 tablespoons per a 90 gallon tank. This is the mix I like for fish like violet gobies and archer fish. 10% works out to 1 lb of salt in around 1.2 gallons of water which is a level you could use to preserve meat.

Guppy, will my oscar and pleco and 2 bichirs be ok in that brackish of water?
guppy said:
I think you meant 0.05% which is about 3 1/5 teaspoons per US gallon, 3-5 days of this at 80+degrees. It is a little hard on the plants. For a preventative dip you can double it but only as a quick dip or the fish do swell up, shed scale and sometimes skin, then die. For slightly brackish maintainance use up to a half tsp per gallon or about 15 tablespoons per a 90 gallon tank. This is the mix I like for fish like violet gobies and archer fish. 10% works out to 1 lb of salt in around 1.2 gallons of water which is a level you could use to preserve meat.

The meter I have says 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- ect all the way to 100 so I've always called it % but it is ppt

here is the meter I have..

The fish will be fine if you go off my notes. In the last year I've spent $15,000 on fish ,tanks and tesing supplies and I've never lost any fish to salt....lost 2 apple snails before it dawned on me that THEY ARE SNAILS and SALT KILLS SNAILS!!! :22_yikes:

The pleco and the rest will be fine if you stay under 6 ppt.
I did the same thing with snails....I had some really pretty rams horn snails, killed them...But ya live and ya learn! Thats an expensive meter there! How about a hydrometer? Will that work, or is the salt content too small for it to work?

I also found out what those little worms are! They are PROTEIN WORMS! They are not harmful to the fish...They are just eating the waste in the tank...Which is weird because I have had the tank set up for only 3 months now...I do my water changes, clean the gravel, and the filters...I did however just by a pleco, and I dumped the water it came in into the tank...I know, I know...Thats a really bad thing to, none the less, I did it...They could have come from that...So, I will try coppersafe, and regular cleanings to get rid of them....

I thank each and everyone of you for all of your suggestions! This site is awsome, and so are you guys!!!
Thanks again!

REPAIR - Thanks!!! :)

Glad to hear they are not after you fish... They have a less expensive meter. $42

I bought 2 types of the hydrometer and they are hard to get exact readings....they have a problem that they get bubbles on the pointer and you have to try and get them off so it reads right.... I would say that it's worth the extra money for the refractometer.

I bought 2 of the less expensive meters for my friends to use and they seem to work just fine.