- Have you tested your water?
- Yes
- If yes, what is your ammonia?
- <.5ppm
- If yes, what is your nitrite?
- 0ppm
- If yes, what is your nitrate?
- 0ppm
- If I did not test my water...
- ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
- Do you do water changes?
- Yes
- What percentage of water do you change?
- 31-40%
- How frequently do you change your water?
- Every two weeks
- If I do not change my water...
- ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
I obtained this flowerhorn 2 days ago from a dealer, he won't eat and has pretty much non stop had long stringy bead like threads hanging from him. As soon as I got home and reopened his bucket I saw some. Ranging in color from clear whitish to almost cream. Eventually he drops them and then several hours later starts up again. I figured okay worms? Or massive stress? He had a 3 hour ride home. I've been treating him with paraguard and I really don't think anything has changed. He is in a 55 gallon quarantine currently. He's very active and doesn't seem to have any other symptoms other than won't eat although he briefly looked interested & obviously the thing hanging out of him.
Water test results were done while writing this post
Water test results were done while writing this post