Hemibagrus Nemurus Behavior


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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
DP: Question: is it okay to swim with your fish in a large enough enclosure? (washing off all chemicals before-hand, of course) because that’s my dream.
TBTB: There are nuances, some crucial, but in general, if it is safe for you and not too stressful for the fish, I don't see why not. Not just swim, you'll want to snorkel. I do it in my 25,000 gal tank but by necessity, that is when I have to catch fish for adoption. Ohio Fish Rescue guys swim with their monsters in their 58,000 gal. I have seen photos of Asian guys swimming in 30,000 gal ponds with windows with their 3' goliath african tigerfish.

TBTB: I believe you might be right. It doesn't look like a part of the anal fin rays, albeit the size of it throws me off a bit.
DP: it’s definitely a separate structure from the fin. o_O what’s abnormal about it?
TBTB: It just looked too big for what I was used to seeing, and also I usually see them pressed against the body, not stuck out like that. Dave knows more about this, and what he says is good for me to have learned too. I didn't know it. Sexing in general is one area where I am lagging behind almost everybody else.

DP: Hey, as long as he isn’t hurting anyone, I don’t care what he does. (Sidenote for canine behavior— they’ll do that when anxious/insecure/excited, or when socially awkward and trying to initiate play behavior. Sometimes dominance, but more commonly the aforementioned)
TBTB: Thank you for the tips. I am inclined to think the excitement. Poodles are quite excitable dogs.