• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

HITH - Revisited

I just join MFK today as I have 2 Oscars and a Goby, all in their own tanks, of course! One Oscar is medium sized, which has 'wasted away," so I thought it may have had intestinal parasites but now am thinking it may be dropsy as its belly is really bloated even after treating it with PraziPro. The second Oscar is a large, 12 year old, who came to me 2 weeks ago and I am not sure if it has HITH or HLLE. I have just come across the NLS pellets, which I have ordered today but they are 2mm sinking pellets and my fish are used to floating sticks / pellets. If I switch to sinking pellets, I'm afraid that my fish won't get them into their system as I don't recall ever seeing the forage the bottom for food.

I'm afraid of losing the medium Oscar because from what I have read, when it gets to this point, organs are damaged and it's a slow death! The big Oscar, ugh, I'm upset with the person I bought her from for admittedly not keeping up on her water changes over the last few months from the time I paid for it, till the time I picked it up...

I have no clue what to do for either of them!
I apologize for the bumping such an old thread. But I'm in desperate need for help.

My female flowerhorn is affected with hith. And today is the 7th day of treating her with metronidazole and doing 20% water changes daily feeding her with mixed pallets soaked in 3% epsom salt solution.
She's in a hospital tank (100 liters) temperature set to 30° for treatment, water parameters are:
GH 10
PH 7.6
KH 4

She is active, and always asking for food, and her poo is normal. The problem is I don't see any improvement in the holes in her head, she even has 2 holes in her dorsal fin. I don't see any progress nor improvement at all.

I'll post pictures ASAP.
Definitely looks like HITH. It needs to be solved/cured but it does not seem too badly advanced. Need to describe in detail your water parameters and tank characteristics and maintenance practices so useful advice can be given. Generally, low nitrates at all times (through water changes and filter maintenance), a varied and high quality diet, and reducing stress factors both prevent and/or cure incipient HITH. Once advanced, secondary infections (bacterial, fungal) often occur. The latter does not appear to be too bad currently with your fish, but the sources of the matter must be addressed. Good luck.
Definitely looks like HITH. It needs to be solved/cured but it does not seem too badly advanced. Need to describe in detail your water parameters and tank characteristics and maintenance practices so useful advice can be given. Generally, low nitrates at all times (through water changes and filter maintenance), a varied and high quality diet, and reducing stress factors both prevent and/or cure incipient HITH. Once advanced, secondary infections (bacterial, fungal) often occur. The latter does not appear to be too bad currently with your fish, but the sources of the matter must be addressed. Good luck.

Thank you so much for your reply! Very appreciated.
Her tank is 180 liters barebottom, filtered with a canister filter (tetra ex800) and has 4 big sponge filters. Water temp at 28°. Feeding only dry pellets, best what's available locally (tetra cichlid algae pellets, tetra cichlid color pellets, tetra TetraLuoHan, dr. bassleer garlic, JBL flowerhorn, and Sera granugreen) once a week 3-4 freez dried krill.

Water changes 50 liters per week. Water conditioner used is seachem Prime, and I add seachem stability after water changes.