hoplias australis

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


The Fish Doctor
Staff member
MFK Member
Nov 15, 2005
Somerville NJ
I have noticed that hoplias australis are available now. What is the actual adult size for these fish?
H. australis has a large range so I'd bet that individual fish have a large range of sizes. I collected what should be H. australis in Uruguay and I've got one that's topping 10" (from 3") in a few months.
Thank you. Is 10 inches full grown?
Not even close.
do you know about what size they get to? I am growing out a Lacerdae and probably going to pick up a black soon. I would be interested in the australis depending on size. They would go into a community 1200g if their temperaments allow it