How big do wolf fish grow?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 16, 2008
portsmouth/southampton/crawley, UK
im looking at buyin a wolf fish, but need to know if it will out grow my tank and maybe eat my other fish?
cant really find anything on the net that doesnt contradict the next thing i read, so thought id come to my trusty friends and see what you lot have to say.

its a red wolf.
most of the things i read said it would grow to about 8 inches.
it will be with a 6inch parrot fish, and 2 coming on for 8 inch frontosas and a 1.5ft plec.
would this b an ok mix for the wolf fish? obviously i dont want him to be in the wrong enviroment
Red wolves will grow to about 8".. yes. As for the mix I can' really say, but as long as the other fish are not in it's fish it will probably leave them alone. I keep mine with bichirs and and a pleco.
saw a breeding pair of bichirs the other day for £20!
but i think they wouldnt have survived in my tank.
maybe i will just wait till i have my new house and my boyfriend has promised me a 12ft tank...who am i to argue!
so i could then get my wolf with some bichirs and maybe an aro...need to do some research first though, hence me being on here.
damn you for saying that!!! im now going to have to get it!!!!!
i better put my order in now, to be honest if it doesnt work with my fish i will just put it in a another tank. iv got a spare 100 litre to house it until i get another tank up and running.