How big does a motoro stingray get these days?


MFK Member
Mar 30, 2005
My girl measured in at 26". Ive seen them at 30" easily.

mini-Picture 048.jpg


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 19, 2005
London UK
Wow Toby that ray makes that 8x4 look small and I can confirm that tank is not small that's for sure

I think people buy motoro thinking they will never get that big

I can see a healthy female out growing a 8x3 fast and a 6x2 which most people class as a big tank even faster less than a year if brought at a 6inch disk

Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
I agree that a 6X2 seems like a big tank as we are used to 4X18s in the hobby but when you think about it a 6X2 only holds a bit more than a bath and we expect a large fish to live out its life in there.

My 6X3X3 seems really small to me now and that holds over 3 times a 6X2 when I include my 5X2.5X2 sump...I am going to swap it in soon for a 6X4X3 or 8X4X3 depending on whether my wife allows me to move a wall or not.

I am so glad I ended up with a Marble Motoro as I really did not appreciate how big a female normal motoro could get until I saw the one in the shop and she looks even bigger face to face!:WHOA: The thing to note is that her 8X4X2.5 is on a shop system where you have got massive sumps, trickle towers and customers buying bag fulls of other fish so the water is always being changed...Maidenhead Aquatic staff also tend to be very experienced fish keepers with at least one employee or owner at expert level. This sytem has the biggest moving bed sump I have ever seen. I felt that the tank looked too small for her too.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 14, 2013
United States
hey all great answers i have a question for you, i am building a 1500 gallon pool down stairs that will house 6 redtails. it will be 11x5 L shaped and over 8 foot wide at the longest part. also will be 36 inch deep. would i be able to house two motoros in there as well?


MFK Member
Oct 15, 2008
BC, Canada
My female Motoro grew from 6-inch disk to 26+ inch disk in 18 months...240 gallon tank weekly 30% water changes, FX5 and two big aquaclear outside filters.....she would "stand" at the fromt glass begging for food and the top of her disk was out of the 28-inch high tank....she was absolutely immense...gave her to a breeder cause I felt bad that she had no room!

There is no way it can grow that fast and with that small tank. They normally grow faster when female get pregnant and they will slow down once it reach 24" disc so your is 26" disc when your tank width is only 24" it doesn't make sense.

Here is my girl, and like T1 said it doesn't look big when she is on the floor but if she goes against the front glass its massive and mine is 25" and haven't see her grow much. I have her for 4 years now.