How long have you been here?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Joined here ~3 years ago. Lurked for a year or so before. Was active in SimplyDiscus between 1997-2003. Keeping aquaria and fish for 55 years, but living among those for my entire life, with a few interruptions.
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14 year old me first found this site because mfk was always the first site that popped up on google images when I was searching up species names I didn't know. That was 2 years ago, been keeping fish for about that long, with about a 6 month hiatus between both this forum and fishkeeping. I'm starting to get MTS again even after leaving my 250 back in florida, and since I'm going back there soon I might be able to get it back to where I live now, which would be a real treat.
From the start for me all the way back to 2004/5, started out on in 99 and then various forums for a few years until MFK where I stayed.
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I'm just hitting two months on the forum. I ,like another member, found this forum when looking up certain fish pictures and the web address of where they come from always being '' ''. I had another account in 2018 but I became inactive and deleted that email i registered with. So when I finally came back it asked for two-step verification and I had to create a new account. Seems all the really long-time members are inactive probably due to being older, getting out the hobby, or getting out of forums. I had a tried to become a member of FishLore but since I posted a thread within 5 minutes of creating an account I was banned for ''spam messages''?!? No rules stated you couldn't do that when I created the account so i'm still to this day wondering what happened lol. Forums themselves are dying to social media groups on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. The only active forum seems to be Reddit so I do feel this forum should start building a community over there to transition and spread awareness of this forum. That is where all the active users are, and newer hobbyists needing help are as well.
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I’ve been around since about 2005 on MFK and then was on waterwolves and before that. I was off the forums from late 2005/2006 to about 2011. Unfortunately, I’ve been more of a lurker the past 3 years since I setup my 600g. The tank requires minimal maintenance and with two small children I just can’t spend the time I did before. Unfortunately I’ve been thinking a lot about leaving the hobby lately.
Been here since late August, so about 3 and a quarter months. I knew about the site for years before joining. This was always the number one source I used when looking for info on various species, specifically when I spent a year learning everything I could about piranhas before getting one. Eventually it came to a point when I couldn’t just look things up and needed to ask, so that’s when I joined.