How long have you been here?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I started with tanks in the 60's, helping my mom with her many tanks and above-ground cement pools. Eventually got my first tank (one of hers) and it has been a wild ride since then. Due to traveling for studying and others, I have interrupted several times, the last one lasting about 10 years.
I continue to learn every single day, both from my mistakes and findings, as well as from those of others. One thing I have learned is that often, old methods can be as good or better than a lot of the newer, gizmo-driven ones. However, it nis undeniable that there have been a lot of improvements and gains in knowledge in many fronts, among them equipment quality and availability, taxonomy of many fish groups and new species entering the hobby, and quality of foods available for our fish. The internet is a fantastic resource, but one needs to be savvy in how to use since there is both a lot of information and of misinformation. The same can be said of earlier (printed) resources, perhaps the main difference being that the internet flows much faster and wider.