# of tanks = _________ 8
# of gal = _________ 678 with a 220 not up yet
# of yrs = _________ 4 years
list = _________ see below
10 - one mudskipper
29 - q tank/growout
29 - holding mbuna females
55 - 2 ctenopoma, 2 gold/2 green severums, one not so schooling clown loach (likes to kill fellow loaches) and a few synos (mainly a growout tank)
90 - mixed mbuna tank
110 - planted community mainly rainbows, congo tetras, and clown loahes. also holds my bgk and some synos.
135 - retic rays, 4 sunset gouramis
220 - giraffe cat, 2 lima shovelnose, 1 perruno?, water cow, 1 green severum,tsn (although it is still supposed to go to a cousin's pond when/if it grows) and when grown a silver aro
empty 220 - will home fire eel, giraffe cat, what i believe to be an endli bichir, and grown severums or at least that's the plan as of now but i'd love to come across a distichodus sexfasciatus
i found mfk when searching for info on TSN, and a boy did this site have the info. i joined and never looked back, i'm now the weird person who see's 55gal as little more than a community tank set-up so yea mfk got to me