How tall PVC pipe cave for clown Loaches?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I didn't get this good a look as this pipe was behind driftwood before. I probably could have just gotten another 4" T as this looks like a good fit here.

They swim through the new 6" one so hopefully they'll like it more in the future.

The pleco just just Mama out of the old cave they like. I'm seeing her swim around more right now even though the lights are on. I suppose that's a good thing as long as she's not stressed.MVIMG_20190510_190839.jpg
Haha I love on CL sleep on their side like that.
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The 6" pipe is too big. No fish stay in it but it's not.completely useless. All the fish swim through it and the pleco sometimes lays between it and the back glass.

Mama used the cave the pleco likes but the pleco stays out most of time. If he wants to go in, she's forced to leave and sometimes uses the 4" pipe. Sometimes she sits behind her cave waiting for pleco to leave.

Two loaches seem to prefer the 4" pipe now. One lays on top of the pipe and under the sponge filter on top, another lays inside. Again, Mama sometimes stays inside.
I have 2" diameter and 4" diameter pipes all laid side by side in rows under big flat stones. Some coaches lie in them and some lie in the gaps. Favourite game for the smaller ones is chase between pipes. If the pipes a little too big they team up to make it a tighter fit. Have clown loaches, modesta and lohachata all in one group.
Just happened to snap this now. IMG_20190720_222608.jpg

These two sometimes bare both in the tube instead. I've seen them do the faded dominance battles several times but they also hang out together more than with the other Loaches.
I picked up some ceramic pipes for my loaches on Amazon's UK site. As this tank is in the hallway of our house, I wanted something that looked aesthetically pleasing.

They're larger than the usual pipes & caves you see online or in pet shops. 10 inches long x 3.25 inches high and open at both ends. Cost less than $5 each with free shipping, so I got three of them.

My loaches are all in the 4 inch range at present, so I'm banking on the pipes being big enough for years to come. They also interrupt the line of sight within the tank and give more sheltered spots to their sides.
