How to care for Darters!

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
I caught my first darters yesterday and really want to keep them in a new 26 gallon. I was thinking of having extremely well oxyogenated water and and only 4-5 inches deep with large rocks and maybe a few plants also i will have enough land for a newt. Will this work? What will they eat? what is the best substrate? will i need heating or cooling? will i have to alter the water hardness or ph?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 26, 2009
ןɟ 'opuɐןɹo ɹɐǝu
be mindful that many newt species will eat fish if they think they can fit them in their mouth.

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
Man! i know what newt i will get but i cant think of the name!It is maroon in color has a few red speckles. The name has something to do with the tail i think... Man! i cant remember the name!


MFK Member
Jul 19, 2008
In the garage
paddle tail newt?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 18, 2008
The South
I strongly suggest you keep the newt and darters separately. Otherwise your setup sounds good! Hardness and pH are not important, just don't suddenly change them. Room temperature is fine as long as the water is well-oxygenated. Any standard substrate is fine. Darters' color is partly dependent on substrate color; dark substrates produce more colorful fish. Most darters like some current.

Darters strongly prefer live inverts but can usually be converted to frozen. Bloodworms are a good first frozen food; once they get used to them mix in whatever other frozen foods you want them to try. Some darters will learn to take flakes or small pellets. They have small mouths so be aware of this when selecting foods.

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
Noto;3471648; said:
I strongly suggest you keep the newt and darters separately. Otherwise your setup sounds good! Hardness and pH are not important, just don't suddenly change them. Room temperature is fine as long as the water is well-oxygenated. Any standard substrate is fine. Darters' color is partly dependent on substrate color; dark substrates produce more colorful fish. Most darters like some current.

Darters strongly prefer live inverts but can usually be converted to frozen. Bloodworms are a good first frozen food; once they get used to them mix in whatever other frozen foods you want them to try. Some darters will learn to take flakes or small pellets. They have small mouths so be aware of this when selecting foods.
I am sorry but it is either keeping them together or not keeping a paddle tail newt at all and i really want one.
I have one air pump and a filter, will i need any more water flow?
I am thinking of keeping a small bass or bluegill in there until it outgrows the tank. Is there any other fish that wont grow bigger then two inches i could keep in their? i am thinking of shiners or something like that, Suggestions?
I will get dark substrate then. How should i make land or island in there?
Noto, that is an incredibly helpful post, thanks a ton!
Bass cats, That is correct, thank you!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 18, 2008
The South
If you get a paddletail, any small fish thrown in should be considered feeders. They are effective predators! Any fish you add should be at least 2" long and fairly robust.

There are darters large enough to avoid newt predation, including logperch, greenside darters, and large individuals of rainbow, fantail, etc. You should be able to find these locally. Dace and smaller shiners are good tankmates. Avoid creek chub, sculpins, and madtoms; the chub gets too large and predatory, madtoms have spines that could hurt the newt, and sculpins have both problems.

Bass can eat fish nearly their own size even when young, and it is illegal to take home small bass in most states. Some sunfish, such as greens and warmouth, are big-mouthed predators. Bluegill can also be nasty and grow quickly. A young longear sunfish should be OK in the tank for a while but will eventually outgrow it. I suggest avoiding centrarchids altogether.

If you want to buy some tankmates, hillstream loaches might work. White cloud mountain minnows would like the conditions, but would probably be quickly eaten by your newt.

The newt will need a small island or two to crawl out on; a large stone or piece of driftwood will do the trick. Substrate selection is a little more important with the newt; either use sand or large (3/4" or larger) pebbles. The newt could ingest smaller pebbles and get an impaction.

The water flow from your air pump and filter will probably be fine. You can always add a powerhead later if the flow seems inadequate.

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
Thanks a lot Noto!
I dont want to buy any fish i want to catch them all.
I wont keep any centrarchids then.
I went with 3/4" black gravel and some larger, 2 inch black gravel over the top.
I will make some land for the newt in the form of large rocks.
I want to recreate the natural habitat for the darters so i am putting some large 5-6 inches round stones in the current just like it was when i caught them.
The water is 5 1/2 inches deep, just like where i found them in the wild.
With rocks i wil create a barrier from the current for fish that wont enjoy all the current.
I will put the shiners i catch in there to, even though many of them will fall prey to the newts.
I ave attached some pictures of some darters i have caught, rainbows, johnnys, and greensided.
I was going to get sand but was afraid it would be blasted away with the current.
So madtoms would not be reccomended? Darn!
Oh well i think i will have enough interesting fish and herps in there.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 18, 2008
The South
Sounds good! Madtoms are cool little fish, but it would be the end of your newt if he tried to eat one. I can't see your pics.

Passionate 4 pikes

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 9, 2008
Manaus, Brazil
Sorry i forgot them and when i remembered the computer froze up.:irked:
Sorry for all the random pics but it was a fun trip.