How to size a pump to your tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Tigz;5149282; said:
No, unfortunately it doesn't work like that.
If you had needed a single 1.5" pipe, a duel pipe system would need 2 x 1.25" pipes.

Could you just use a Tee or a Y split to bring both intakes together for a canister filter like Nu-Clear or Ocean-Clear filters , With a wet-dry
you should just run the two into the sump.
I am building a 200gal tank for my CA cichlids. First stage of the filter will be built inside the tank (filled with scrubbies), 2" pvc passive flow in at top (from bottom level intake). From the bottom of that cell 2 1,200gph +/- power heads; 1 up to overhead w/d system, the other pumping back into tank. Gravity return from w/d in 2" pvc into tank.

Reasons for all this is to combine w/d system with power head current in the tank. W/D will be about 2' above water surface.

Anybody see problems here that I am missing?
Wow, there is a lot of help here in this piece. I look forward to using it to build a tank above 100g. Provided the wife and condo complex allow it. I must say that with some of the discussions a noob like me would appreciate some pictures of setups.
If you consider well pump than appropriate set up is significant to a secure and long-lasting well pump system. Be sure that you follow to the comprehensive set up guidelines involved with your new well pump. Make sure the water resource and pipes are clear of sand and other debris that could clog the pump.
I know that a lot of what i'm about to post might as well be in latin for most people, by I assure you it is very easy to do the calculations once you figure out all the symbols and coefficients.

The first thing you will likely have to due is convert your flow rate (Q) from gallons per hour (GPH) to cubic feet per second (CFS). 1 cubic foot is 7.48 gallons and 1 hour is 3600 seconds, so divide your gph by (7.48 x 3600); or multiply your gph by 0.00003714.

Flow (Q) is equal to Velocity multiplied by the cross sectional area of your pipe; Q=VA. Contrary to what I said in my previous post, there will not be any headloss due to pipe friction if you use PVC as for all intents and purposes it can be considered smooth.

z2-z1 is the change in elevation, z1 is pump height (taken to be zero usually), z2 is the height of the outlet.

Okay heres the textbook stuff, I left it as big as I could so you can read it easily. (Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 8th edition, Crowe/Elger/Roberson, 2005)


Im gonna use all this calculations in building my sump ! thanks man :)