For your setup, here are some suggestions:
NA: Rainbow Shiners, Southern Redbelly Dace, Mountain Redbelly Dace, Bluntnose Minnows, any Madtom sp. , Northern Hogsucker (grow out), Striped Shiners (grow out), Central Stonerollers, Mottled Sculpin, Rainbow Darter, Greenside Darter, Johnny Darter, Fantail Darter, Blackstripe Topminnow, Mosquitofish, Green Sunfish, and more. For your setup, be mindful of the temp in your tank, I recommend heaterless and maybe keep in a cooler spot.
Asian: Glass Catfish, Bamboo Shrimp, Hillstream Loaches, Gobies (like Rhino gobies or something), Atya sp. (fan shrimp), CPD, Zebra Danios, Loaches, and more.
African: Vampire Shrimp.
Australia: maybe some Rainbows or Gudgeons or Glassfish.
SA: Chameleon Loricarids species, Cory Species, etc.
NA: Rainbow Shiners, Southern Redbelly Dace, Mountain Redbelly Dace, Bluntnose Minnows, any Madtom sp. , Northern Hogsucker (grow out), Striped Shiners (grow out), Central Stonerollers, Mottled Sculpin, Rainbow Darter, Greenside Darter, Johnny Darter, Fantail Darter, Blackstripe Topminnow, Mosquitofish, Green Sunfish, and more. For your setup, be mindful of the temp in your tank, I recommend heaterless and maybe keep in a cooler spot.
Asian: Glass Catfish, Bamboo Shrimp, Hillstream Loaches, Gobies (like Rhino gobies or something), Atya sp. (fan shrimp), CPD, Zebra Danios, Loaches, and more.
African: Vampire Shrimp.
Australia: maybe some Rainbows or Gudgeons or Glassfish.
SA: Chameleon Loricarids species, Cory Species, etc.