Email from Marshall Meyers, Head of the Pet Industry Joint Action Council:
"I will be one of the 4 invited witnesses not in Federal Government.
The most important steps that need to occur ASAP
1. People need to contact via mail, FAX and/or email their comments
2. They also need to contact the subcommittee members district offices to
a. let the District Offices know their concerns because they are they people who are on the ground within the district and most likely to get the message through to key staff in DC and to the Member
b. request a face to face meeting with the member when they are in the District
3. The Spring Break is about to occur and many members will hold town hall styled meetings. People need to attend and ask them questions re HR 669 and see how they respond and if they really understand the implications of the bill
Letters in opposition from thousands of people, especially constituents, need to be recevied by their offices not delivered by me if want greatest impact.
Quite honestly, petitions have little affect and are normally treated as one opposition.
ANOTHER issue is convincing people that most of the species in their possession are nonnatives. Amazing how many people are confused by fact animals born here are nonnative! Also, people mislead by arguments that this only affects "IMPORTED nonnatives." What they need to understand is that one lists become effective, possession of nonnatives not appearing on the Approved (Clean) List can not be bred, sold, moved interstate, etc.
Attached is a revised PetAlert. We will also be producing a simplified PetAlert addressing some of issues above for pet owners and people not as familiar with the Lacey Act as commercial dealers.
Thanks and let's keep in touch.
PS Can talk over weekend if want."
We all need to contact the subcommittee members regarding our stance. I will be posting the contact information for the subcommittee.