There def. Ageneiosus sp… A. Marmoratus and A. Magoi seem to be brought in the most. hopefully someone can give u the exact species. Im not versed in these guys at all. Always wanted to try them tho lol
Ageneiosus magoi by the look of the caudal fin. Much easier to point you at planet catfish for care other than saying
One of the smaller growing of the family so shouldn’t get much more than 1.5?times the size they look now (7-8” total).
Hard to get to feed if they are smaller and skinny. One of the cats you can sex so can get a pair or a trio, but do look good in a group (albeit usually a bit pricey to do!)
These are definitely "Ageneiosus magoi", but in pretty bad shape. I keep 5 of this species myself, 4 males and 1 female, and I also have 1 specimen of "Ageneiosus polystictus", also a female.
Thank you, and that is a spectacular tank that you have. Are they out during daytime, is this a common sight, or do they hide a little more and you got a lucky beautiful shot of your group?