Identify your North American Native Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I forgot to check this thread yesterday, anyway, here is a fish.

Nobody going to guess this little guy? should not be a hard one to look up.
Rock Bass......dada.......wait I think it is. Usually rock bass has a red or darker eye but I'm sticking with the rock bass and that's my final answer.

I will be catching rock bass in the spring time and keep them.
Not a rock bass (ambloplitesrupestris) which gets to just over 17" max.
Also not a little sunfish or a diamond sunfish ( both the blue-spotted sunfish (Enneacathus gloriosus) and the banded sunfish (Enneacanthus obesus) are called by those names) they both reach just under four inches long.
This one is in the same family but is a different genus, this one is found in the same general area and gets to just over 8" long.
I am just passing on the MAXIMUM size of the rock bass, they seldom get that big and 10" is much closer to average. The small moth reaches 28" and the large mouth reaches 37" but I have never seen them that large myself. The maximum size on a bluegill exceeds 16" but you rarely see them bigger than 12".

This one is not the Green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus), it is a bit smaller and lives further east.
Lepomis gulosus (Warmouth Sunfish) looks very similar..........yes or no???