Identify your North American Native Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ksiaquatics said:
Golden topminnow - Fundulus chrysotus

Nice pics!

Chip in SC

Chip got it! (and thanks, I'm always trying to take better pics)

Now it's your turn

(watch out guys, Chip could stump us easy!)

Edit: BTW Chip that's your lined topminnow above. (I love those guys)
Let me look through some of my other pics (and some from friends). I'll try to post one later today or tomorrow.

Chip in SC
OK..try this one

redside dace (clinostomus elongatus)?
guppy said:
redside dace (clinostomus elongatus)?

What??? :eek: I don't think so.

I am not sure what it is but here are my guesses.

Saffron Shiner, Notropis rubricroceus

Tennessee Shiner, Notropis leuciodus
Sandtiger got it with the Saffron Shiner guess. They do look a lot like Tennessee shiner don't they?

Chip in SC