Identify your North American Native Fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
It's alright Motag, welcome to MFK! You were in the right forum just wrong thread. There are a couple threads about northerns (great fish) or you could start one. Any guesses on this guy?
I haven't checked out your clue yet but how about mountain madtom? the (N. eleutherus)
After just a quick glance I found that almost all the madtoms are threatened in at least part of their range including placidus, baileyi, flavipinnis, rabida, stanauli, stigmosus, and gilberti, and that was just off one site, one unfortunately without pictures.
Well, if it not the mountain madtom I will give up.
I was patient, just saying that if that one was not right then I had no clue.Heheh. I've gotto go for now but I'll be back in a bit.
I'm back, a redundant statement I know. try this one.

Bingo, first try. I want some.