What gets to me are the photos of seemingly endless tables of piles of dead fish of all manner of species at street markets in some parts of the world.I wonder just how much of it actually gets eaten....and to think that it goes on every day,its a miracle that any fish are left.Agreed
We shipem clean water grown and raised big heads for .15 cents a pound.
Then our stores sell shrimp "grown in GOD only knows what, heavy metal content. From the most polluted esturies in the world.
The radio active Tuna, and salmon from the north Pacific, were yummy.
And soon their won't be any left (reminds of a bible verse that describes how 1/3 of the fish and 1/3 the trees will die in revelations)What gets to me are the photos of seemingly endless tables of piles of dead fish of all manner of species at street markets in some parts of the world.I wonder just how much of it actually gets eaten....and to think that it goes on every day,its a miracle that any fish are left.
No kidding I worked cleaning after the Phoenix waste management open,they must of thrown tons of perfectly good food away,they could of fed over a thousand homeless and orphans!street markets probably all of it its the wealthy countries like the uk and the usa where we trow stuff away too quickly
Yeah,especially when you have boats and ships from some countries that are pretty much equipped with vacuum type devices that suck up nearly everything from out of the water.And soon their won't be any left (reminds of a bible verse that describes how 1/3 of the fish and 1/3 the trees will die in revelations)
And soon their won't be any left (reminds of a bible verse that describes how 1/3 of the fish and 1/3 the trees will die in revelations)
Mmm stuffed longporkNo body will eat me, I was raised on antibiotics, and fed geneticly altered Monsanto, homemade corn bread.