indo datnoid dry food

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Gey them eating frozen bloodworms. Get a syringe. Soak some pellets in frozen krill/bloodworm juice or any wet food. Wait until pellets are soft. Put wet pellets through syringe and push it out. They'll be "worm" shape. Feed that to the datnoid. Do it for a few days. Then gradually make the pellet a little more dry and less worm shape. It should eventually take the dry pellets without any preparation.

I've never had a datnoid that I couldn't break onto taking pellets. Have converted plenty of 1 inch dats. Easier from an earlier age. Just depends how determined you are.
I would not try. Dats are particularly difficult eaters, and are all wild caught.

You are lucky that they accept raw food. I only feed mine with live food.

Shrimp - river shrimp - is good for dats, but should not be fed exclusively. It is high in thiaminase. Alternate with other river fish, especially tilapia, which is low in thiaminase.

You have got three small dats, understand that this is a commitment. They are not easy fish.

Post some pictures!
Building on this. I tried for months to convert my dat away from non-living foods like live fish and shrimp. Never even looked at anything I threw in.
The best I could do was gut load its feeder fish with high quality foods.

For some of my other large fish when I had them. There were a few that only ate ala carte fish fillets and raw shrimp. To help them, I simple dissolved small amounts of fish vitamins in water and used an injection to inject the vitamins into the shrimp meat and fed it. Some people suggested soaking the food first in the vitamin water but some picky fish didn't like it.
Hi i am going through the same process at the moment, Training datnoid to feed pallets.
I am grinding shrimps and hikari chichlid gold pallets together, make it small pieces and put in in the freezer and feed time to time.
that way. he will get the taste of pallets.
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