Information on types of Frontosa

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Red Devil;2076987; said:
One of the most recently discovered Cyphotilapia types {1992} The C.Gibberosa Mpimbwe has one trait that stands out among the rest ..."personality". This fish is much more active then other types and is an aggressive eater.. according to info i have found written about them. They said it is common to have this fish eat out of a strangers hand instead of darting back in their hideaway cave or rocks..Like the other types many hobbiest choose this fish after seeing them in person and watching their outgoing nature.
The Blue coloration on the mpimbwe is very nice and out standing on the dominant male in the group.. the fish has typical interorbital stripe {Long Rangers Mask} This pic is Oddballs Mpimbwe Colony.. they are 10"- 12+" in size.

I find this information to be very accurate. Here is a pic of me hand feeding my mpimbwe fry a couple days after they arrived. I also have a video of it.



Here are two videos of me handfeeding the baby mpimbwe. They are definetly more aggressive feeders and not nearly as shy as my older more establsihed burundi. The burundi have only just recently taken to eating from my hand and even then only 3 of the six will come to my hand, the others still hang back.

they still eat from my hand on a regular basis , once a week. I feed them vitimen enhanced freeze dried tubiflex worms. I have found a good safe product by hikari that they like. I tried another brand once and they did not eat it . They love the hikari vitamen enhanced brand and I like that it says on the can (light blue can) that all toxins and inpurities have been removed. IT is the only brand i use now. Tubiflex worms used to be known for unsanitary contaminants and I had stopped feeding them a long time ago.

Here's a good view of the regional differences inherent in various front varients. The darker upper front is a (WC) Samazi and the lighter lower fronts are (WC) Maswa,
Cyphotilapia Frotosa-Gibberosa collection points..
Frontosa Variant Burundi.....In the future this variant will possibly be classified into a new species ..collection point for burundi is
1. Bula Point
2. Burundi
3. Karilani
4. Kavala
5. Zaire north

Variant Kigoma --7 stripe ..In the near future this will likely be the only fish classified as a Frontosa...Collection points are-
1. Bangwe
2. Boulomboro
3. Kigoma
Variant - Tanzania or Southern Tanzania -collection points are-
1. Fulwe Rocks
2. Ikola
3. Kantalamba
4. Kasanga
5. Kipili
6. Mabilibili
7. mpimbwe
8. Molwe
9. Samazi/Bismark
10. Sibwesa
11. Tanzanite
Variant Zambian-collection points are-
1. Isanga
2. Chaitika
3. Nangu
4. Sumbu
Variant Zaire Congo or Southern Zaire collection points are
1. Kapampa
2. Kitumba
3. Moba-collected at M'Toto
4. Moliro
5. Tembwe
Zambian ...This fish has the typical interorbitol stripe {Lone Ranger Mask} seen in other C. gibberosa variants, but does not carry as much blue as Mpimbwe type or any Zaire type. It has a nice contrast of Black/white stripes and doesn't get real dark as it gets older like the Burundi or Kigoma types..the face is quite blue, which has earned it the nickname of "Blue Face". It is difficult to produce fry with this like the Zaire the females don't brood their eggs very well. Recently, many variants coming from southern Lake Tanganyika are Zambian types that are almost identical to each other ..this includes Chaitika, Ikola, Samazi, and Bismark.
Sexing - Males usually have a larger hump then females ..but Frontosa's and Gibberosa's can only be sexed reliably by VENTING. And even this method can not always be trusted. Venting Frontosa and Gibberosa accurately requires experience ... males also tend to be larger then females.
Red Devil;2099103; said:
they are to see the baby zaires..
Here is one for Zaires (Moba blues and Ubwari blues). Note that the Ubwari are more like a Burundi, and are often referred to as the "blue" Burundi :)
Here are some pics of my lil guys and the burundi... They are still small so nothing like their daddy was... I wish I had a digital copy of the dad he was amazing... They are out a lot more and doing a lot better, right not they are starving waiting




Here are some of my mpimbwe (tanz) and Burundi frontosa . I took these today and some show the differences in coloration really well. Enjoy.

Here is one of my 2 inch mpimbwe gibberosa :


This fish has a purple tint to his blue that i cannot get to show in pics. Its a deep violet color in natural light with the naked eye. He is the most intensly colored of all my fronts. It is easy to id him cause he is missing half of the second ray in his dorsal fin.


The three stooges :


Here is one with my burundi and mpimbwe, you can see a big difference in the coloring :


Here is my alpha burundi :


Im not sure if this burundi is a big female or the beta male, it has surpassed the alpha male in size all ready and bullies the other fronts but not the alpha :


Here is another pic of this fish :


Here is a interesting side by side of the alpha burundi and mpimbwe juvie :


I have more pics and can take new ones as well if you would like more just let me know.

Not much to add, just adding some kigoma pics.


Of the three variants I keep, I find the kigoma's to be the most reclusive and skiddish. But the most dominant frontosa variant in the tank is a kigoma, so go figure. Despite that, the most dominant frontosa in the tank is a kigoma, go figure. Mine are more outgoing when the tank lights are off (while illuminated from external sources such as the window. But generally VERY slow swimming fish (at least mine are, especially when compared to the activity levels of my burundi and tanzanian variants).

Other than the 7th stripe, the shape of their first 'stripe' (more of an under-eye/cheek patch) can be considered a key indicator (rather than the eye stripes that burundi's have and the masks that the southern variants have). In my opinion they also seem to have 'longer' physiques.

k1ngph1l;2055523; said:
...Kigoma- 7 striped frontosa, distinguished by the 7 stripes


That's an old pic of mine posted on another site nearly 3 years ago. That small kigoma has grown to be the one on the right in this pic below:
