Red Devil;2076987; said:One of the most recently discovered Cyphotilapia types {1992} The C.Gibberosa Mpimbwe has one trait that stands out among the rest ..."personality". This fish is much more active then other types and is an aggressive eater.. according to info i have found written about them. They said it is common to have this fish eat out of a strangers hand instead of darting back in their hideaway cave or rocks..Like the other types many hobbiest choose this fish after seeing them in person and watching their outgoing nature.
The Blue coloration on the mpimbwe is very nice and out standing on the dominant male in the group.. the fish has typical interorbital stripe {Long Rangers Mask} This pic is Oddballs Mpimbwe Colony.. they are 10"- 12+" in size.
I find this information to be very accurate. Here is a pic of me hand feeding my mpimbwe fry a couple days after they arrived. I also have a video of it.

Here are two videos of me handfeeding the baby mpimbwe. They are definetly more aggressive feeders and not nearly as shy as my older more establsihed burundi. The burundi have only just recently taken to eating from my hand and even then only 3 of the six will come to my hand, the others still hang back.¤t=mpimbwejuvies014.flv¤t=mpimbwejuvies013.flv
they still eat from my hand on a regular basis , once a week. I feed them vitimen enhanced freeze dried tubiflex worms. I have found a good safe product by hikari that they like. I tried another brand once and they did not eat it . They love the hikari vitamen enhanced brand and I like that it says on the can (light blue can) that all toxins and inpurities have been removed. IT is the only brand i use now. Tubiflex worms used to be known for unsanitary contaminants and I had stopped feeding them a long time ago.