Information on types of Frontosa

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
shrimplette;3495642; said:
Jus found this forum.. Thanks for the info. My fontosa is really dark. Supposedly was given to my LFS because of aggression issues. He is the most peaceful fish in the tank. I look forward to continuing to learn about these fascinating fish.
The only time i know of that frontosa can be aggressive is with another male as they mature and compete for a female.. alot of times the males are sold back to the LFS because you only need one male to a ratio of females.. so thats probably how he got his reputation for being aggressive.. put them with others and they are laid back and sweet..thats great...glad your interested.. frontosa are beautiful sweet fish..
frontosa like most cichlids can vary in temperament.
in general they are a pretty passive fish.
once in awhile you will find an aggressive fish.

I have had to get rid of males that beat up females.
most are low key, but sometimes they get a little bit of red devil in them.
tr6;3497180; said:
frontosa like most cichlids can vary in temperament.
in general they are a pretty passive fish.
once in awhile you will find an aggressive fish.

I have had to get rid of males that beat up females.
most are low key, but sometimes they get a little bit of red devil in them.
yes they can but ususally just with each other:D
Dereshp;3656877; said:
i have a two inch burundi frontosa - can anyone comment on the growth rate
very very slow...speeds up a bit and then very very slow again... i have been raising mine since they were about an inch.. about 4 years later.. they are anywhere from 8-10 inches.. with alot more growing to do..
^ Yup I had mine from an inch or two and they got about 5-7 inches over a 2 1/2-3 year span.
I am going to do a Frontosa 125 gal. tank as soon as i can figure out what kink to go with!
Kigoma, Burundi, Zaire, Zambian, Mpimbwe ect...

I Would Love to get some Blue Zaires
Also, is it better to get only 1 kind or can i mix
the Zaire with the Burundi & Kigoma
Which look better as Adults 7 Bar or 6 Bar?
I really don't want breeding going on so, will a mix discourge this?

any help would be great
thank you
Fatima1917;3697471; said:
I am going to do a Frontosa 125 gal. tank as soon as i can figure out what kink to go with!
Kigoma, Burundi, Zaire, Zambian, Mpimbwe ect...

I Would Love to get some Blue Zaires
Also, is it better to get only 1 kind or can i mix
the Zaire with the Burundi & Kigoma
Which look better as Adults 7 Bar or 6 Bar?
I really don't want breeding going on so, will a mix discourge this?

any help would be great
thank you

I know this is an older post, but thought I woudl reply. I have mixed fronts before, but after a while you wont like it. It just doesn't look or feel right. If you are asking this question then you probably already are second guessing mixing them, so you definately wont be happy doing it. As for variants; I currently have colonies of Burundi, Moba, Kapampa and Mpimbwe. I honestly like them all equally, but you get your best bang for the buck with Mpimbwe. You can get F1s for $5-$6 or nice large WC for $60 a fish. If I could do it all over again I wouldn't have gotten the Moba. They are hella expensive. I have some Mpimbwe that are absolutely amazing. I think you will be happier with 3 large WC Mpimbwe for $180ish compared to one WC Moba. $30 for 1 F1 Moba vs 5 Mpimbwe F1s. I really love Burundi, but if you look around you can get F1 Mpimbwe for the same price and they sell and look much better than Burundi.
Deepsouth;3762740; said:
I know this is an older post, but thought I woudl reply. I have mixed fronts before, but after a while you wont like it. It just doesn't look or feel right. If you are asking this question then you probably already are second guessing mixing them, so you definately wont be happy doing it. As for variants; I currently have colonies of Burundi, Moba, Kapampa and Mpimbwe. I honestly like them all equally, but you get your best bang for the buck with Mpimbwe. You can get F1s for $5-$6 or nice large WC for $60 a fish. If I could do it all over again I wouldn't have gotten the Moba. They are hella expensive. I have some Mpimbwe that are absolutely amazing. I think you will be happier with 3 large WC Mpimbwe for $180ish compared to one WC Moba. $30 for 1 F1 Moba vs 5 Mpimbwe F1s. I really love Burundi, but if you look around you can get F1 Mpimbwe for the same price and they sell and look much better than Burundi.
good it is time to show yours off again... new pics..
I picked up 5 mpimbwe fronts at my LFS for about 12 dollars each they are 2-3 inches. I am keeping them in a 50 gallon until I can get my 75 up and running then I will prolly downsize the colony to a male and two females. I know they do better in larger groups, but I guess I am asking if this would be ok until I can get my livingroom remodeled and get a 125 set up.