Our big tank is beach-sand, a somewhat course coral/CCA-based material of rounded grains that I nicked from a client/friend's private beach (he said I could). It's heavy & well sorted so not much fines to mess with water clarity/parameters, and particles are pretty hard so, again, stable even with diggers.
My mid & smaller tanks have a sand of dead Halmeda marine algae fronds that accumulates where there's no waves... 100~odd feet down is where it's cleanest & still safe(ish) to haul. Having said that, don"t ask how and definitely don't do this.
HOWEVER, it's bright-white & looks like rolled-oats, imbricates in the flow & generally looks fantastic. It has also lasted far longer than I'd have expected, more than 15years including a house-move & re-allocations between tanks, plus plants, diggers, loaches, MTS etc that shouuld have powdered it by now. Much powder underneath, sure, so add small digging fauna (annelids? clams?) to keep it from getting funky. Our current house is on rain-cistern, so let's see how it manages a lower pH...
So, yes, I've used beach-sand near-exclusively for ~20yrs & can't think I've ever hand an issue.
Silica-based is heavier, so will stay-put better than limestone-based.
My mid & smaller tanks have a sand of dead Halmeda marine algae fronds that accumulates where there's no waves... 100~odd feet down is where it's cleanest & still safe(ish) to haul. Having said that, don"t ask how and definitely don't do this.
HOWEVER, it's bright-white & looks like rolled-oats, imbricates in the flow & generally looks fantastic. It has also lasted far longer than I'd have expected, more than 15years including a house-move & re-allocations between tanks, plus plants, diggers, loaches, MTS etc that shouuld have powdered it by now. Much powder underneath, sure, so add small digging fauna (annelids? clams?) to keep it from getting funky. Our current house is on rain-cistern, so let's see how it manages a lower pH...
So, yes, I've used beach-sand near-exclusively for ~20yrs & can't think I've ever hand an issue.
Silica-based is heavier, so will stay-put better than limestone-based.
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