Is this koi lymphocystis?


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2009
I don't want to disrupt your train of thought as it is flowing and I am following with interest.

To finish off the OP theme, today I released both koi into a large natural lake on our property. Perhaps mother nature will heal them... or not. If they survive, and it's a huge if, I might get a chance to recapture them one particularly dry season, when all our ponds and lakes run almost dry.
Removing the infected koi is the best thing. Now I forgot what we're talking about.
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Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Removing the infected koi is the best thing. Now I forgot what we're talking about.
Haha... I expanded my prior post heavily. Please, read it again. Those tumors didn't look like a communicable disease but who knows, you're right.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2009
Haha... I expanded my prior post heavily. Please, read it again. Those tumors didn't look like a communicable disease but who knows, you're right.
Sorry, I meant affected fish. Fugly fish on display is bad business.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2009
Here you go. Industrial Strength. Three 300W lamps. Of course you can go with 200W or 100W lamps, just means more than three lamps needed and bigger diameter chamber.
You get the picture.



Senior Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Thank you. Let me understand this better.

Is the lamp efficiency defined as a UV portion versus the whole spectrum or the portion at 254 nm versus the whole spectrum or involves the germicidal efficiency spectrum somehow which peaks at 265 nm?

What kind of lamp exactly is used in this calculation?

Instead of 4' lamps, you used 5' lamps.

Lamp sleeve radius is the quartz sleeve, right? If it is 0.5", the lamp itself must be very slim.

What's a max cylinder radius? Is the cylinder same as the reactor housing multiple bulbs?

90%T should be fair as our water is more clear than murky.

How's the effective reactor volume defined?

Are the entries of
-- reactor length,
-- max cylinder radius, and
-- reactor volume
the dimensions of one and the same reactor body?

Fluence rate in W/cm2 (= J/second/cm2) times residence time in seconds = fluence in J/cm2, the value which is specified / designed.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2009
Efficiency is calculated at 254nm (total UVC output).
You are correct on lamp length, 200W is 48" and 300W jumps to 58". These are standard lamps used in industry.
1" dia quartz sleeve is also standard. Remember, you want the water as close as possible to the lamp. Yes, lamps are very slim.
Max cylinder radius is the inside radius of the chamber. All the dimensions are for the inside volume of the chamber. After all, that's where all the magic happens.
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The Fish Doctor
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MFK Member
Nov 15, 2005
Somerville NJ
The rescue is a small part of the overall effort, perhaps 5%. Mostly it is a DIY Public Aquarium, which is just about to open for business after 8 years of construction. If God is willing.

We are not a nonprofit because we funded our venture with our retirement funds. IRS mandates this scenario to be for profit because it regards this an investment of retirement funds. Corp C is the only option.

We have a lot of fish go through our hands, including koi. I've no time or money to chase serious health issues. Whatever I can do with the meds I can buy easily I do. Beyond that, the main effort will suffer and we'll be losing money and everybody loses that way.

The rescue only loses money overall anyway. It is not a profitable activity. We do it as a bona fide service to the community.

I think it is a great thing that you are doing. If you are going to run a public aquarium the responsible thing to do is have a veterinarian to work with. This goes for more then just evaluation and treatment of sick but also quarantine protocols etc. If you want a good pathology lab in Florida let me know.
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