I was just at my fish shop and picked up a "Scatophagus Tetracanthus" for $30. The price was SOO cheap (normally I see these fish for $100+) but it looked different than the other individual fish I've seen of this species. The orange on its front and back is like an electric neon orange and its stripes are interrupted/spotty. It almost looks like a weird Ruby Scat. Did I get ripped off or this really a tetracanthus?
Thanks for your help! Are these fish Brackish or Fresh? Some people tell me these fish are 100% fresh, but others/books tell me Brackish or Marine.
Currently this fish is 2'' and in 7.5 ph water, 55 gallon.
Thanks for your help! Are these fish Brackish or Fresh? Some people tell me these fish are 100% fresh, but others/books tell me Brackish or Marine.
Currently this fish is 2'' and in 7.5 ph water, 55 gallon.