Hello; One thought being for some time now in order to be published it helps to throw in a reference to things such a climate change. Of course i do not know the motives of the authors in that regard. I am a bit skeptical of the link to humans pumping water but not enough to naysay their findings. Part of the skepticism goes to the use of computer models.
There is at least one pumping situation that fits the idea. The Ogalala Aquifer is a small ocean of fresh water under several midwestern states. Its waters have been heavily pumped for many decades. Pumped to the point of seriously lowering the water table.
There is at least one pumping situation that fits the idea. The Ogalala Aquifer is a small ocean of fresh water under several midwestern states. Its waters have been heavily pumped for many decades. Pumped to the point of seriously lowering the water table.