It's coming..... Upgrade finally on the horizon!!!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Fts always make it hard to enjoy the fish and see the detail. I like all the updated pics thanks much.

Lookin good about a FTS?

Sent from the Monster Fish Keeping App
Great fts Jay!
I love how the rays are surfin the wall!

Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app

TYTY I love it to.. they always take advantage of the height of the tank!

wow very nice comm tank


Nice setup J!!:headbang2

HAHA Thabnks for the compliment Vince especially with all you have going on!

Great update - love the NGT, Tig always looks fat

Man those NGTs were so hard to break... I thought I was going to lose him via starvation... but now he is a pig!