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Jack Dempsey Eggs


MFK Member
About 6 weeks ago I came across a local guy trying to get rid of a JD. Turns out it was an 8-9" male...I already had a 6-7" female. So I thought that I would put them together...and see what happens.

Believe it or not...it was love at first sight! :hearts: The female absolutely loved him from the second I put him in...and he didn't seem to mind her either. She followed him everywhere he went in the tank...from moment #1...and continued this for the last 5-6 weeks.

I've heard of all sorts of complex parameters/odds against two fish pairing up...so I guess I got really really really lucky that these two guys were/are so compatible!:)

I basically dedicated a 55 gallon tank to them...specifically for the purposes of them hopefully breeding. So it's been about 5-6 weeks...and even though they were getting along fantastically...I was starting to lose hope that they would ever breed. I tried many of the "tricks":

- increased the water temp
- large flat rock in the tank
- caves
- flower pots
- even taping a small mirror to the aquarium glass...to get the male "excited"

Of course all this time both the male & female have constantly been moving the aquarium stones/gravel around...but nothing else. Then yesterday (just casually passing the tank)...I see out of the corner of my eye what looks like common aquarium crud laying on the bottom of the tank. But just for the heck of it I take a closer look...and it's a while bunch of eggs!!! Very exciting!!

Of course they totally ignored the flat rock & the flower pot...and just laid the eggs on the bare aquarium bottom (cleared of gravel of course).

So it's been about 24 hours. Since I've read that it takes about 48-72 hours for the eggs to hatch (water temp is about 82-83°F)...about 24-48hours to go. Almost all the eggs are tan colored (very few white ones). So I figure most of them are viable fertilized eggs.

So here's the part you've been waiting for...pictures!:) First photo is of the female & the eggs...2nd photo is of the male (right of photo) and female (on the left):

I always find watching the parents protect, communicate and feed the young so cool to witness

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Thanks guys. I'm excited to see them hatch...and watch the parents raise them. :)

It sure would have been exciting to have seen the "mating dance"...and the female laying the eggs/male fertilizing them. But sometimes the "magic" (I guess) goes un-spectated!;)
Update. So it's been about 48 hours since my JD's laid eggs...and as usual I was "semi-casually" passing by their tank (and of course checking on the eggs)...when I look this time...NO EGGS!!!:(

See photo #1 above to see the eggs.

So I'm thinking...these stupid JD's ate all the eggs!!!:( 95% of them were tan colored...with only about 5-10 white (unfertilized eggs) mixed in. So I'm bummed!!!:(

Then I look about 18" to the right where I placed an empty flower pot (which they didn't use to lay the eggs in)...and WHOOPEEE...there are all the little dark colored fry!!!!:):)

So apparently the adults moved the freshly hatched fry from the bare tank bottom (were they laid the eggs)...to the flower pot 18" away!:)

Of course I know you guys want photos...so here you go:

Photo #1 of the flower pot and the freshly hatched (and relocated fry):

Photo #2 of the flower pot, fry, and the female. This was a VERY lucky shot that I got with her mouth open. I really don't think that she was mad (but who knows)...I think I just got lucky and snapped the picture when she was in the middle of yawning (it's tiring being a "Mommy")!;):

Well it's been about a week since the eggs have hatched. The fry started swimming freely 5 days after hatching (2 days ago).:) WOW...what a mess of Jack Dempsey fry. Like a cloud of mosquitos!;) The parents and fry are in a 55 gallon tank. Seems like things are going to get crowded once the fry start doubling & quadrupling in size!

Here's an updated photo (below). Sorry for the darkness. I had the flash on...but that still didn't seem to compensate. The fry in the photo are only about 1/3 of all the fry:

I noticed something interesting with my JD's and fry. All day long when the light is on...the fry are swimming happily all over the place (while the parents watch). When it gets to be about 9pm & I turn out the light...the fry almost immediately gather into a big black clump wherever they happen to be in the tank.

I have a flower pot in the tank...and within about 30 minutes of turning out the light...the parents have all the fry relocated back into the flower pot for the night (in a big black clump of fry). By the next morning the fry will all be swimming out and about again.

Pretty neat behavior!:)