• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Jack Dempsey Eggs

Thanks for the post & photos. That is typical behavior for JDs. Sometimes they lay their eggs in the flowerpot or on the bare glass bottom. The female may move them 5 or 6 times before they are free-swimming.
Keep an eye on your fry. If you see them disappearing, you want want to seperate the parents from the fry. I have read that JDs don't eat their fry, but I don't think that is true. I have loss more fry than I have saved. I loss two entire batches of fry from two different Pair in one month.
I breed my Pairs in 20gal. tanks and then move the parents after the fry are free-swimming. Just thought I would mention that, so you don't lose your first brood. Of course that means you need more tanks. I started with 1, now i have 8.............LOL.
Good luck............
It could be the Female or the Male.
Not sure about the second statement. Do you mean None of the eggs or some of the eggs were fertilized ?
If some of the eggs were fertilized........ I wouldn't worry.
If none of the eggs were fertilized ........ it may or may not be a problem.
* Normally the first time is a failure for different reasons .
** I hope that helps...
I noticed my JD laid eggs, I dont know how long they been there they look tanish color. I was told that once they are laid, they have to be fertilized right away or they will go to waste? The reason im concernd is because my female is like around 2" 1/2, and I MIGHT have a male, which is like 1". I was also told that they only breed around 3-4" and above..

How long will it take to see they white, if the eggs arent unfertilized?

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They probably turn White after one day. Sometimes the Male may not fertilize all the eggs. A mature Female will lay a LOT of eggs, so its normal that all the eggs may not get fertilized.
Eggs.......... hatch in about 3 days. ( Wigglers )
Fry............ free-swimming about day 6.
Okay I see! Will she lay eggs, regardless if there were a male present?

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Okay I see! Will she lay eggs, regardless if there were a male present?

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I don't know the answer to that.
I would not think so, but I really don't know.
I believe I have a pair. The eggs have been fertilized. I know because there is only 3 and 1 half white eggs out of the 200 +/-

They shouldve been more white ones if these already turned white.

Me so haappy :D

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