Jack Demspey with Teeth???

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MFK Member
Dec 16, 2008
I'm well aware of cichlids that have teeth, however I have never heard of a jack dempsey having teeth. I came home tonight from work to notice that my 5'' has recently grown in a small set of teeth on his bottom jaw.

I've been trying to get pictures to show this, but they're still very small teeth, definitely teeth however.

Is this normal? why has no one else ever mentioned their jack with teeth? I'm always seeing Dovii, jags, mota's ect........

IF you have pics of your own Jack with teeth please do share.
Yup, Jacks have teeth... My camers ia a pos. I'm lucky to get a pic of the fish, let alone the inside of his mouth.
Here's my male from about 6 months ago.

It's kind of hard to tell in these pics, but my old JD used to have a whole set of chompers


ya ive seen JDs with nice sets of chompers
My JD has some nice teeth.. :)

085 (2).JPG
Most larger cichlids have teeth, minus oscars. I had a Rapp's Midas that grown to 15" and he has some rather large orange and black teeth.
Alright so i knew they had teeth but never really looked to see untill this thread. Wellll i look at every photo i have and i just took like 50 more and i dont see ANY teeth. Is there a difference between male and female. hummmmmmmm
thx for all the pics, it was exciting to discover some teeth on my jd. he's actually pretty mellow which is good, i dont want him trying to tear up my severum any time soon.