Jau catfish growth rate and temperament?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
If you absolutely insist on tankmates, really small fish (things like neons, tiger barbs, or kuhli loaches) would probably be fine (provided the catfish is at or close to adult size). They are so small relative to the catfish that it probably won't see a point in chasing after them to eat or bully.

You can read a bit more about this principle here, with an excellent in-depth explanation given by jjohnwm: https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/...ought-one-of-these.744639/page-3#post-8393090
ATM I do not have enough space to keep this guy by himself long term, so I may just hold off for a bit
Like all other species they come with their own temperaments. Mine was no where near as aggressive as hemibagrus, which in the end did not fare him well, but others have had different experiences. Given enough space, even the I’ll tempered ones will exist with other fish.
Like all other species they come with their own temperaments. Mine was no where near as aggressive as hemibagrus, which in the end did not fare him well, but others have had different experiences. Given enough space, even the I’ll tempered ones will exist with other fish.
Ty for actually straight up answering my question.

No offense to anyone else
The threads on our pair contains almost all the significant info that was worth reporting:

MFK: https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/...tory-aquarium-and-rescue.700299/#post-7892504

PCF: https://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=34777&hilit=jau

We found the jaus to be difficult indeed because they do damage to tank mates and they are not of the kind that's outright, every waking minute danger sort of aggressor, but rather unpredictable, occasional attacker... and that is in large tanks and ponds of thousands of gallons.

In short, it's a gamble. Ideally kept alone but we so far have managed to keep with tank mates that stay away from the jau in mid to top water or are smart enough to stay away conscientiously or can take the attacks with minimal damage, like the RTC, piraiba, TSNxRTC hybrids, etc. - the complete list can be seen on our thread and videos.

The growth is relatively slow. 1 foot in one year, 2 in 3, 3 feet in 5+ years. Ours are 4 feet, one's 13 years old (no longer with us, adopted out), the other 9.

Shedd Aquarium's jau looks about 5-6 feet and is 20+ years old.