I always thought that the JDM style of fish keeping was ridiculous. I am so glad to see that it has fallen out of favor, so much as to be criticized now. Now we just need to see the ''Baller'' fish keeper trend fall to the wayside.
What’s the baller style? Expensive equipment?I always thought that the JDM style of fish keeping was ridiculous. I am so glad to see that it has fallen out of favor, so much as to be criticized now. Now we just need to see the ''Baller'' fish keeper trend fall to the wayside.
My first tank, when I used to listen to LFS employees, was a 20g with a pacu, Oscar, clown knife, 2JDs, 2 convicts, type of pike cichlid, common pleco and a few others I can’t remember. Then at the advice of the same employee, I upgraded to a 60g and thought I was good. This was in the 80s…long before the web lolSo do I have it right that JDM is extremely overstocking on all the large predatory fish?
Cause I think having 3 pacu and 3 leporinus in a 60 gallon years ago qualifies…
Or would I have to add an rtc and arowana to be considered?
So do I have it right that JDM is extremely overstocking on all the large predatory fish?
Cause I think having 3 pacu and 3 leporinus in a 60 gallon years ago qualifies…
Or would I have to add an rtc and arowana to be considered?
I just looked up a bunch of videos of these style tanks. From what I’m seeing, they’re packed but the fish are fat, active and healthy looking and adult sized. If the conditions were bad, why would they be in good shape and how would they get to such large sizes? Looks like a lot of work though and it doesn’t look much different than rift cichlid stocking, I do know firsthand that rifties are a lot of work.
Ok gotcha, how nice they looked is what had me confused lolIt depends on the sizes. If they all were 2", you might have been fine, even with an RTC and arowana added.
Those fish weren't raised in those tanks and I guess didn't live for long either in those tanks... as I guessed before, many probably died (if not rehomed) within several months.