Just got myself a cube-ish 60Gallon/240Liter tank, tips for stocking.

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MFK Member
Jan 9, 2020
Hello! Been a while, come around and give your ideas! Please.

Bought a tank from a friend who needed space. So here I am, pondering what to get while it cycles.

Dimensions cm: 59 x 59 x 70
Dimensions inch: 23 x 23 x 27

With a 85(cm) / 33(inch) tall stand.

Looking to keep it freshwater and planted with sand substrate.

I would love for a big pair of something, as a lil' romance is always nice, with something medium/small swimming around for movement. But other suggestions would be swell!

Cheers, Liaker.
Are you looking for something fun to keep? Something predatory? A wet pet? Community?
What budget are you looking at? Common bread and butter fish? Medium priced or not so often seen fish? Or pricey rare fish?

These parameters will help suggestions be more tailored to your personal situation.
For example, I would suggest a community tank with Leopoldi Angels. However, these are rare and come with a price tag that matches.
I would also say a mixed barb tank with a few decent schools of barbs. Add in a pair of gourami's and you're gold. This suggestion will cost in total what a some of the angels alone will cost.
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I had a 2’ cube when I lived in Perth, Australia. I had a colony of labidichromis hongi in mine and they did great! Fun size tank for sure, but you’re not gonna be able to keep a “big” pair of anything in it.
Maybe a pair of jack dempsey if they got along nicely would prob be as big as I would suggest, but at some point they too will outgrow the tank.
A pair of smaller geo’s would probably work as well, like red heads or steindachneri.
IME it is difficult to grow plants in sand, and cichlids love to dig. Perhaps some anubias or java type fern attached to some wood would provide some greenery to satisfy you 🤷🏻‍♂️
Another alternative, but kept in colonies, are tanganyikan shell dwellers; like neolamprologous mutlifasciatus, similis etc. These species are intriguing because they raise their fry in multigenerational colonies, meaning their fry grow and help care for subsequent generations and do not prey upon each other. Very unique and fun to watch. Start with 8-10, finish with hundreds…
Are you looking for something fun to keep? Something predatory? A wet pet? Community?
What budget are you looking at? Common bread and butter fish? Medium priced or not so often seen fish? Or pricey rare fish?

These parameters will help suggestions be more tailored to your personal situation.
For example, I would suggest a community tank with Leopoldi Angels. However, these are rare and come with a price tag that matches.
I would also say a mixed barb tank with a few decent schools of barbs. Add in a pair of gourami's and you're gold. This suggestion will cost in total what a some of the angels alone will cost.
Oh wow, yes I should have put in some more info, will make an edit later. As for what kind of fish, anything really. I really enjoyed a pair of heros cichlids I had a while back, really pretty. I'm almost considering getting a pair again, but want to test something new. So anything really, either a solo fish or a pair, but can work with something more schooling. Being in Sweden I'm a bit limited on wet pets however, like crayfish is illegal part from the Sweden's own specie.

I've done barbs before, a bunch of green ones. Delightful lil' group. Was a few years ago though and now moved in with my parents tank.

Personally I love odd-ball fish, like Baby-Whale fish, but they are so hard to come by.

Thanks for your input, I'll make an edit later to help others give some thought.

Cheers, Liaker.