Just got myself a cube-ish 60Gallon/240Liter tank, tips for stocking.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Another alternative, but kept in colonies, are tanganyikan shell dwellers; like neolamprologous mutlifasciatus, similis etc. These species are intriguing because they raise their fry in multigenerational colonies, meaning their fry grow and help care for subsequent generations and do not prey upon each other. Very unique and fun to watch. Start with 8-10, finish with hundreds…
Ohh those sound really cool. I think I know a store that has a bunch of those, so I'll certainly take a look. Thanks for the reply!

Cheers, Liaker.
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Hello! Been a while, come around and give your ideas! Please.

Bought a tank from a friend who needed space. So here I am, pondering what to get while it cycles.

Dimensions cm: 59 x 59 x 70
Dimensions inch: 23 x 23 x 27

With a 85(cm) / 33(inch) tall stand.

Looking to keep it freshwater and planted with sand substrate.

I would love for a big pair of something, as a lil' romance is always nice, with something medium/small swimming around for movement. But other suggestions would be swell!

Cheers, Liaker.
To reply to my own post. I would of course want something that is fun to keep. A smart fish is always nice, or something that works in pairs. But something predatory would be really cool too. I don't mind the prize-tag too much. I always put a budget for my hobby and this tank is going to cycle for a while so there will be funds to spend. I'll be using sand as a substrate so a fish that enjoys that would be great.