keeping crawfish happy, from escaping.

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
It's a migration behavior,just doesn't work well in houses,once settled in and happy this behavior decreases,on several occasions I've found crayfish roaming in the woods
I had some in the lawn. They had shafts that went down about 2 foot into the water saturated mud. Near the creek. They would come out at night and catch night crawlers.
They built up 4" high mud dams around their holes. That got lawn mowed.
Also they seem to appreciate oak leaves(soaked)and should have a varied diet(fed mine deli chicken ,flakes and aquatic plants
I would remove can, it could start leaching toxins in water over time. If you dose your tank with iodine(the kind you buy for salt water tank), it will greatly improve your success keeping crays/shrimp
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Iodine is also needed for bullfrog tadpoles to turn into frogs,I finally realized this after keeping my first set of bulltads for4 years.
I got him a piece of drift wood. Drilled it out and made some caves in it.
I feed him fresh moss, algae wafer.chicken bits, and any cichlids that are slow.
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These guys are in my acrylic fry grow out tank. It's lipped on top and they can't crawl out. I use them too cull any overly territorial African cichlids. I won't know if it work until my juveniles are full grown.
Out of the last batch of 13 only 5 survived the crawfish gauntlet. Of them I have 3 today. All male, and very mild mannered ,in my main 75 gallon display.
I last counted 8 out of 18 in their now. With another 22 fry that just hatched last week. In the hatchery tank.
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*it will become more aggression in sight like to raise their claws if anything come close to them "a bluff move to scare other away before they going to molt".

My Mexican Draf Crawfish did that I only had it a week and a half, though it will eat out of my hand it suddenly became "aggresive" two days later it molted. It's in it's own 5G tank and seem to be happy now eating out of my hand again. I feed it small pieces of frozen fish and blood worms.