Keeping different geophagus species


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
ok it sounds like I am just better off sticking to one geophagus species. Do you think 4 sveni would be fine in a 140 gallon tank with two severums?
4 sometimes works, but 5, 6 (or more) would probably be better as juvies. They can get some size to them and can be a space hungry species ime, so when they near maturity they might get fussier with each other, even in a 6 ft tank, and even more so once a pair wants to spawn, which can practically cause a riot over protecting eggs or fry, lol. I had to move my dominant pair to another tank, because they insisted on picking their spawning area in the middle of the tank and didn't leave much of anywhere for others in the group to stay out of their way. So, depending on things like individual temperaments or gender mix, you might grow out a group, then find it more peaceful to keep a pair once one forms.
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
One other factor many don't take into consideration, is many Geophagine are rheophillc, meaning they prefer plenty of current, and oxygenation, as opposed to severums (Heros species) which prefer sedate slow moving waters.
So a species like sveni, which reach a size of about 12" would prefer a "miniimum" six foot tank lemgth, with a wave maker set, with a strong current moving along the lemgth of the tank.